
As the Mother of all Healing, the Green Tara shelters
All beings in Her Loving embrace and is the Spiritual
Bestower of all Health, Upliftment and Well-Being.
The loving embrace of the Goddess Tara radiates outwardly as
Kindness, Compassion and Healing for All from worldly or spiritual concerns.
May the powerful blessings of Peace, Health, Wealth and Love be
May the prayers of all Bodhisattvas and the blessings of all
Spiritual Beings enter your heart and hold
in their hands all your precious needs. May all your needs be exactly what you intend and may your intentions move in you, from you and return to you with the strength and the power of Living your Life as Divinity Now! So be it!
" May the wicked become good, May the good obtain peace, May the peaceful be freed from bonds, May the free set others free."
- Prayer of a Bodhisattva
Om Tara Tare Tam Svaha | Pnum: 117078 | Beloved father, I love you. May there be peace on Earth and everywhere for all living beings. Peace in the hearts and minds of all leaders so that we may be blessed with healthy foods, clean air, pure water, right medicines, safe shelter, happy and honest community and all things necessary to sustain life and peace. Now yes Aum Namah Siva Aum thank God thank goddess Thank you, Guru Aum Braumsmi Aum
Om Tara Tare Tam Svaha | Pnum: 117076 | Om Guru Om, in my Gurus grace I see my nephew Xavier Kern as filled with white healing light and held and supported by his angels and guides back to radiant health. May his condition be treated quickly and effectively so he can return home to continue his healing journey in the comfort of his home. May his family be supported and loved through this process. So Be It.
Om Tara Tare Tam Svaha | Pnum: 117074 | Beloved Father, I Love You. YES! We Know and Trust that Brandon’s Body Easily Releases any excess fluids Safely and Quickly as Possible NOW! YES! YES! Brandon’s Doctors and Nurses are Rapidly Guided to an Accurate Diagnosis, and Easily Apply the Perfect Treatment and Medicines NOW for his Sustainable Stable Healthful Longevity! YES! YES! We Know and Trust that Brandon is All Clear NOW! YES! Thank you God. Thank you goddess. Thank you, guru Aum Namah Siva Aum Aum Braumsmi Aum!!!
Om Tara Tare Tam Svaha | Pnum: 117071 | Beloved father, I love you. YES Brandon Shalkowski is All Healed Now! YES! We see the White Light of the Bodhisattvas moving down through the ocean to Brandon and each person in need of Healing. YES! We Know and Trust that all of Brandon’s Strength and Stamina is Restored Immediately in Every Cell of His Body NOW! We Know and Trust that Brandon’s Kidneys and Liver are Functioning in a Strong and Healthy Now! YES! We see and Pray this in Your Name Sri Isa Mafu! Thank You So it is True So Be It!
Om Tara Tare Tam Svaha | Pnum: 117070 | Beloved Isa Mafu, I pray that you open your arms to not only my beloved sister Micheline who is near transitioning but also her most beloved husband who transitioned a couple of weeks ago from broken heart, knowing that he would never see her again. I pray that you can guide them both to their highest journey...in Peace...Harmony! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. We love you 😇💕🌹
Om Tara Tare Tam Svaha | Pnum: 117069 | I pray for peace, peace and more peace in this our planet Earth. May all people be able to live in peace with a safe place to live and have food and clean water. Peace. Peace. Peace. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Thank you God, Guru, Swami.
Om Tara Tare Tam Svaha | Pnum: 117068 | I call on my Beloved Guru Isa Mafu and my Blessed Swami Ammagi and all the Healing Angels and Beings of Light and Love to please send healing to my beloved JH and her life. May the situation in school be healed for her in the most gentle and easiest ways and may all parts of her life be healed in joy and ease now and always. May she be healed and happy. I pray this for my precious daughter and all children experiencing similar things. Nam Myoho renge Kyo THANK YOU WITH ALL MY HEART.
Om Tara Tare Tam Svaha | Pnum: 117067 | Om Guru Om, I see my 6 month old baby girl Kya sailing through the next few weeks with minimal impact on her body from whooping cough. May her cough remain mild with minimal paroxysmal cough. May she remain well hydrated and well nourished so her body is strong and able to manage this infection easily. May she receive the support she needs in the timing she needs it. May she feel settled and safe throughout the day and have some down time. May she be loved. So be it.Sadgurunath Maharaj Ki Ja
Om Tara Tare Tam Svaha | Pnum: 117066 | PRAYER FOR A young CHILD who very unhappy and sad due to heartbreak. Help to make good, kind, compassionate, empathetic, and close friends with whom there is love, belongingness, and sharing of life's ups and downs. Help to remove the loneliness, the negativity, depression, and sad thoughts. Help to attract positivity and laughter and happiness. Please please please help with the appearance of very good friends very soon to navigate in these stressful years. Thank you.
Om Tara Tare Tam Svaha | Pnum: 117064 | beloved father I love you! on this day and all days I join in prayers for peace for peace on Earth and everywhere for all living beings peace in Sudan peace in Russia and Ukraine peace in Palestine and Israel peace in the hearts of all Yes! thank you God thank you goddessthank you Guru
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