Mafu Meditation Video Available on YouTube
Please enjoy the short Mafu Kundalini Meditation for Peace we have posted to YouTube
Success and Power in Business and in Life
- In these beautiful Darshans Mafu reveals how to become Empowered and Successful by releasing self destructive habitual natures and recreating
new habits geared for our Successful Active Self Empowerment to manifest our greatest dreams, and to become the Stewards of our Existence.
Ammaji Meta Call - Loving Kindness
Ammaji speaks to Mafu's Mastery group on the Guru disciple relationship, on Loving Kindness, Right Thinking, Right Speaking and changing attitude
of struggle to attitude of Creation. "Have a cause greater than yourself"
Ammaji's Sannyas Ceremony DVD - Haridwar India
This deeply moving and inspiring DVD gives us small glimpses into the Sannyas ceremony in which Ammaji took her sacred vows as the first
American woman ever to become an ordained Swami in the Siddha lineage under her Satguru, His Holiness Sri Sri Guru Paramahansa Nityananda.
Available for a limited time only. Please call the Foundation office to order. Special signed edtions are available.
Refining The Law of Gratitude & The Law of Momentum for the Purpose of Invincible Success
- This 2-DVD set offers a comprehensive understanding of how to apply the Power of the Laws of the Universe in order to change the subconscious
mind to release all doubt, fear and judgment using the Universal Light of Gratitude and Momentum to move into the true experience of Self Approval,
Self Empowerment and therefore Mastery of the Law of Attraction.
You can follow dictation from Mafu taken by Ammaji on Twitter on the only offical Mafu twitter site. Hare! Thank you Mafu!!!
Please enjoy joining Ammaji on Twitter for a fun glimpse into her life outside of retreats!!!
Mafu Meditation Video Available on YouTube
Please enjoy the short Mafu Healing and Manifesting Meditation we have posted to YouTube
New Foundation Website Homepage - Please enjoy the beautiful
photographs of
Mafu, the New Releases section and the tour of Paramatman Dharma Ashram. Scroll down (at right) to see more New Releases.
The Prosperity of Health, Wealth and Awakening - In this mind-opening
and profound 4 DVD Manifest Destiny Workshop,
Mafu reveals the Secret Teachings of four 'Universal Laws'; the Law of Self-Approval, the Law of Conviction,
the Law of Attraction, and the Law of Gratitude which, when applied, result in the manifestation and fulfillment of all that we dream in our lives.
"Cards for Life" greeting cards - A creation
of Mitch and Leslie Scott-Rose, these beautiful and unique greeting cards reflect the blessings of our life with our beloved Sri Isa Mafu.
Working with the Laws of the Universe - The Power to Choose Life - In this
two darshan set,
Mafu gives a detailed understanding of the Principles and Application of the Law of Choice, the Law of Forgiveness and the Law of Self
Approval. "Right now this is what Enlightenment looks like... Forgive."
Chakric Application of Manifest Destiny -
Mafu summarizes the Laws of Self
Approval, Conviction, Attraction, Gratitude and Momentum with great inspiration and humor and then with sound and color activation guides an extraordinary
Mantra/Heart Chakra/Prana Meditation.
Power of the Mind in Manifestation - In these two darshans,
Mafu explains
and enriches within us the Law of Attraction, the Law of Self Approval, the Law of Gratitude and the Law of I AM through awareness of the Conviction Phenomenon!