Mafu Darshan
90 mins
Chakric Application of 'Manifest Destiny'
Available via Immediate Download or DVD!
Paramatman Dharma Ashram
"Your Past Must Be Forgiven. The Past Of Others Must Be Forgiven.
In Your Life, What Has Happened Is Growing Behind You and Beneath You
As Fresh Water and Green Grass and Is Entering You as Pure Energy and Is Becoming You As Life or Death. You Choose. It Is Up To You." Mafu
The Foundation for Meditative Studies is pleased to announce that
Mafu's Special Darshan, entitled 'Chakric Application of 'Manifest Destiny' -
Introductory Level', recorded live on Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at Paramatman Dharma Ashram is now available for purchase via download or on DVD. We
are so happy that Mafu is generously allowing us to release this Darshan for everyone because it contains basic but very important information on
the Laws of the Universe and 'Manifest Destiny'.
In Mafu's 'Chakric Application of 'Manifest Destiny' Introductory Level' Darshan, Mafu summarizes the Laws of Self Approval, Conviction, Attraction,
Gratitude and Momentum with great inspiration and humor and then with sound and color activation guides an extraordinary Mantra/Heart Chakra/Prana
Meditation. In this Darshan, Mafu uplifts and harmonizes the vibrational levels of our Sub-Atomic Bodies to the many Attunements attained through
our studies with Him of 'Manifest Destiny' and the Laws of the Universe!
Thank you, thank you Ammaji, for bringing Mafu to us and we are deeply appreciative to
Isa Mafu for His Continued Work with Us to Conquer Our Inner Beliefs and Command the Ship of Our Minds! We
greatly appreciate Your participation with us to Create these Gateway Openings Into the Truth of Who We Are and What We Are Capable of Doing! Hare! Hare! Santih, Santih, Aum!
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