Meditation Series III

   Darshan 1
   Enter Into Freedom Meditation
     Sample Video 
In this thick, transcendent healing meditation, Mafu invites us to experience the freedom of ourself as the white light of compassion, peace, happiness and joy.

   Darshan 2
   The Gate of the White Feather
     Sample Video 
This mesmerizing dialogue on the power of life and the mystery of death unfolds into a very powerful meditation initiation.  Mafu assists us to travel to the spirit world through the passageway of the Gate of the White Feather.

   Darshan 3
   Worship the Breath - Guided Meditation
     Sample Video 
Explaining the importance of the breath in meditation, Mafu guides this inner eye Meditation dancing with the dolphins inside the white light of the Atman into the expanded love within each breath. 

   Darshan 4
   Meditation Initiation - Open to the Higher Body
     Sample Video 
In this auspicious initiation, Mafu expands on transcendent meditation by introducing the next step of mantric meditation technique.  This is an extremely intimate experience which is guided by the Master to open to the higher body.

    Meditation Series III  (4 DVD Set)

     4 DVD Set (Darshans 1-4, discounted price) Price: $99.99
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