Chakric Consciousness - Series I
Darshan 1
Consciousness is Carried by the Wind
Sample Video
In this extraordinary overview of the path of spirit, Mafu explains the characteristics of a spiritualist who
seeks to unravel the mystery of the Self. Mafu initiates a powerful chant meditation to invoke awareness
of the higher Self.
Darshan 2
Manifesting Through Chakric Consciousness
Sample Video
Mafu introduces the study of 'Chakric Consciousness' in this leading discourse from a Los Angeles Congress.
He gives an overall explanation describing the purpose and benefits of this higher study including the creation of greater
abundance and joy in our human lives.
Darshan 3
The Chakric System: It's Purpose and Possibilities
Sample Video
Mafu teaches the basic principles and names of the chakric system 'consciousness centers'. He gives a
basic understanding of kundalini, its relationship to each chakra and the purpose of the chakric system of consciousness.
Mafu easily explains the sacred understanding of this unique system in a way that the western mind can
relate to and understand.
Darshan 4
The Chakric System: Nadis Clearing Commitment
Sample Video
Mafu introduces the sacred Buddhist chant of 'Nam Myoho Renge Kyo' and further dialogues a fundamental
understanding of the chakric system. He reveals the placement of each chakra, their location in the body,
the level of consciousness of the chakric gateways and the relationship of these subtle energies to the arising
Chakric Consciousness - Series I (4 DVD Set)
4 DVD Set
(Darshans 1-4, discounted price)
Price: $99.99
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