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As the Mother of all Healing, the Green Tara shelters All beings in Her Loving embrace and is the Spiritual Bestower of all Health, Upliftment and Well-Being.

The loving embrace of the Goddess Tara radiates outwardly as Kindness, Compassion and Healing for All from worldly or spiritual concerns.

May the powerful blessings of Peace, Health, Wealth and Love be Yours.

May the prayers of all Bodhisattvas and the blessings of all Spiritual Beings enter your heart and hold in their hands all your precious needs.  May all your needs be exactly what you intend and may your intentions move in you, from you and return to you with the strength and the power of Living your Life as Divinity Now!  So be it!

" May the wicked become good,
May the good obtain peace,
May the peaceful be freed from bonds,
May the free set others free."
- Prayer of a Bodhisattva                

 Prayer requested by:  Jennie PSubmitted:  7.12.24 | 6:23 AM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116867
I ask for prayers for my 15 year old cat Miow who will be euthanised on Saturday 13th July. May her Angels and Guides and my Guru Mafu and my Blessed Ammagi help her to cross over and to fly directly into God's Light. Mafu, Ammagi, please make her journey easy and peaceful and may those of us who love her be healed from her passing. Thank you with Love. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. May all animals crossing over do so in peace and Love and move into the Light easily and joyously. Nam Myoho Remge Kyo

 Prayer requested by:  christianSubmitted:  7.11.24 | 7:57 PM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116866
Beloved Father, I Love You. I join Ammaji in immediate prayer and chant for the fires near Salt Creek road in eagle point, Oregon to be put out completely now! Yes! I call upon the brotherhood I call upon the mother the goddess, Tara Quanyin Wanataka Kali Durga, I call upon the Father to bless and immediately put out all the fires near Salt Creek road, so that they fold in on themselves immediately, now! Yes! thank you God. Thank you Goddess. Thank you, Guru! Aum Namah Siva Aum Sadgurunath MKJ

 Prayer requested by:  christian Submitted:  7.10.24 | 7:56 PM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116865
Beloved Father, I Love You. I joined Ammaji and others in immediate prayer and chant for The complete cessation of the fires near Salt Creek road in eagle point, Oregon. I call upon the brotherhood I call upon the mother the goddess, Tara quanyin wanataka Kali durga , I call upon the Father to bless and immediately put out all the fires near Salt Creek road, so that they turn in on themselves immediately And are put out now! Yes thank you God. Thank you Goddess. Thank you, Guru! Aum Namah Siv

 Prayer requested by:  Mera GagnonSubmitted:  7.8.24 | 2:39 PM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116863
Beloved Mother, Divine Father, my Beloved Isa Mafu, Please send your Light, your Peace, your Love and Compassion to Joseph Bendayan as he passes through this stage of his life with the Leukemia...and please help Mia to walk through this time with him...Nam Miyoho Renge Kyo...Nam Miyoho Renge Kyo...Nam Miyoho Renge Kyo....Thank You..Thank You..Thank You..Thank You..Thank You.

 Prayer requested by:  christianSubmitted:  7.5.24 | 9:36 AM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116862
Beloved father, I love you! send to me what I Love. Enough with what I don't love. Send to me what I Love. Every day I offer this prayer. This focus this manifestation at your lotus feet. Send to me what I love. I love you. Nammyohorengekyo nammyohorengekyo nammyohorengekyo nammyohorengekyo nammyohorengekyo nammyohorengekyo Thank you Thank God. Thank you Goddess. Thank you, Guru Aum Namah Siva Aum Aum Brauhmsmi Aum

 Prayer requested by:  christianSubmitted:  7.4.24 | 11:22 AM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116861
Beloved Father I Love You! Please surround Jodie Hamre in your loving arms. May she be healthy healed and whole here and now! May her brain cancer be removed completely from her body now and may she live a long healthy life in compassion and peace, happiness and joy. I pray this for Jody and all those in need of healing. Nammyohorengekyo nammyohorengekyo nammyohorengekyo nammyohorengekyo nammyohorengekyo nammyohorengekyo nammyohorengekyo nammyohorengekyo nammyohorengekyo Thank you God!

 Prayer requested by:  AndreSubmitted:  7.2.24 | 5:45 AM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116860
Aum Namah Shiva Aum. May the wicked Become Good. May the Goog obtain peace May the peaceful be freed from bonds May the freed set others free May the darknes that prevents me from this love be removed from my hearth Nam Myoho Renge kyo,Nam Myoho Renge kyo,Nam Myoho Renge kyo,Nam Myoho Renge kyo,Nam Myoho Renge kyo,Nam Myoho Renge kyo,Nam Myoho Renge kyo,Nam Myoho Renge kyo,Nam Myoho Renge kyo,Nam Myoho Renge kyo Peace on earth and everywhere for all living beings always.So it is Done.This is Done

 Prayer requested by:  AndreSubmitted:  7.2.24 | 5:41 AM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116859
Aum Namah Shiva Aum,I pray all God and Goddess, I place before you all I create, do, think that limits my abundance and prosperity, thank you for showing me the right actions to prosper in sustainable wealth, financial prosperity and spiritual awakenings, I will now to be financially wealthy in absolute sustainability ...and I prosper in all that I do, now and always. I am always so happy to reveal my true self and to face all that I do to limit my financial potential! Thank you, thank you,,,,,,

 Prayer requested by:  Jennie PSubmitted:  6.28.24 | 6:12 AM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116858
Beloved Guru Lord Isa Mafu, Blessed Swami Ammagi, and all the healing Lights and Love and Angels of the Universe, I ask you please aid in the passing of my beautiful fur baby, Miow, who will be euthanized on Saturday 29 June. She was tiny when I found her in my garden. I love her. God, Goddess bless and protect Miow an ensure she easily moves into the Light and Grace of our Guru. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo So Be It. Bless all animals. Thank You!

 Prayer requested by:  christianSubmitted:  6.27.24 | 4:00 PM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116857
Beloved father, I love you. I pray for your disciple who has recently passed their body. May they be surrounded in your light and your love as they cross the Rainbow bridge into your arms and the arms of their loved ones. Nammyohorengekyo nammyohorengekyo nammyohorengekyo I pray this for your disciple and for all disciples and all those who have passed their body. So be it! Thank you God! Thank You Goddess! Thank You Guru! Aum Namah Siva Aum

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