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As the Mother of all Healing, the Green Tara shelters All beings in Her Loving embrace and is the Spiritual Bestower of all Health, Upliftment and Well-Being.

The loving embrace of the Goddess Tara radiates outwardly as Kindness, Compassion and Healing for All from worldly or spiritual concerns.

May the powerful blessings of Peace, Health, Wealth and Love be Yours.

May the prayers of all Bodhisattvas and the blessings of all Spiritual Beings enter your heart and hold in their hands all your precious needs.  May all your needs be exactly what you intend and may your intentions move in you, from you and return to you with the strength and the power of Living your Life as Divinity Now!  So be it!

" May the wicked become good,
May the good obtain peace,
May the peaceful be freed from bonds,
May the free set others free."
- Prayer of a Bodhisattva                

 Prayer requested by:  jennySubmitted:  6.27.24 | 5:04 AM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116856
A heartfelt prayer of thanks and gratitude to our beloved GURU DEV SRI SRI SRI ISA MAFU and our cherished SWAMI Ammaji and the gracious Aussie hosts for the magnificent Darshans held in the Sacred Land of Oz! God bless the Aboriginals and all the peoples of this happy country! Such a blessing to share in this Shakti! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Peace on Earth and Everywhere for All Living Beings! AUM SANTI SANTI SANTIH! SAD GURU NATH MAHARAJ KI JAI!

 Prayer requested by:  christianSubmitted:  6.26.24 | 9:49 PM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116855
Beloved father, I love you. Please bless Joe Clark in the magnetic healing powers of Lord Jesus Christ here and now may she recover fully from her ailments, May she be blessed with health, long life and immediate recovery from her degenerative issues. In your light, master in the magnetic healing powers of Lord Jesus Christ. In the blessings of all, bodhisatt was made, Joe be completely healed now Yes! Nammyohorengekyo nammyohorengekyo nammyohorengekyo So be it so this is true So this is done

 Prayer requested by:  MaPremanandaSubmitted:  6.24.24 | 8:23 PM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116854
Beloved Guru, Thank you for giving us the ability to experience your darshans in Australia. Each was beautiful and lovely. The Celebration was so touching especially to see Elizabeth honoring you. Our hearts were right there with her. I love you SO much!

 Prayer requested by:  christian Submitted:  6.21.24 | 11:16 AM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116850
Beloved Father, I love You. Thank you for coming. Thank you for always coming to this planet to bless us to bless this world to bless all worlds. Thank you for always bringing life For always bringing your love your incredible Shakti Your incredible Grace to bless ed to nurture and to uplift In honor of your anniversary, we pray for peace on Earth and everywhere for all living beings with a betterment of all mankind and the upliftment of my soul and All souls. Enlightened in your love So Be It

 Prayer requested by:  christianSubmitted:  6.10.24 | 7:54 PM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116849
Beloved father, I love you. Thank you for your continued Grace for Stefan Gala, Thank you for blessing his life with continued all clear results today now and always. Thank you. That Stefan's surgery is successful, yes! Thank you God. Thank you goddess. Thank you Guru! Thank you For having your Mastery programs chant for his immediate healing and successful surgery on Wednesday. Thank you for surrounding Stefan and all those in need of healing in Your Grace. Aum Namah Siva Aum Aum Tat Sat

 Prayer requested by:  AndreSubmitted:  6.7.24 | 5:37 AM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116848
Aum Namah Shiva Aum I come in the temple prayer for anny one are suffering. Support Francis's and Helene Om Guru ,Om Guru Om Guru Om... In the power of Lord Jesus Christ and all Angel to support them and Heal healthy young and vital Aum Namat Shiva Aum Om Guru ,Om Guru Om Guru ,Om Guru ,Om Guru Om Guru ,Om Guru ,Om Guru Om Guru ,Om Guru ,Om Guru Om Guru ,Om Guru ,Om Guru Om Guru ,Om Guru ,Om Guru Om Guru ,Om Guru ,Om Guru Om Guru ,Om Guru ,Om Guru Om Guru ,Om Guru ,Om Guru Om Guru ,Om Guru

 Prayer requested by:  christianSubmitted:  6.6.24 | 10:48 AM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116846
Beloved Father, I love you. Thank you for blessing Stefan, for blessing his surgeries. Thank you that you are hands are the surgeon's hands on Wednesday, June 12th 5:30 a.m. at Stefan's all day surgery. Thank you for the prayers and chants of your Mastery program. Thank you that Stefan's surgery is successful that Stefan is All Clear from any cancer. Thank you, that Stefan's body is now as it was before long and lean well stretched and healed yes! Thank you, for all your blessings! siva aum

 Prayer requested by:  Hélène Submitted:  6.3.24 | 5:18 AM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116845
Beloved Isa Mafu, dearest Ammaji and everyone aligned with the light that you radiate, I pray that you join in chant with me for Francis’s Wellbeing and Ease in his body, as well as Peace in our both mind and body and Joy in our heart. I pray that we both awaken to the ultimate truth of that which we are, here and now, in this lifetime. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

 Prayer requested by:  christian Submitted:  6.2.24 | 8:46 PM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116844
Beloved father, I love you. Please bless the surgerys of Stefan Gala tomorrow, Tuesday June 3rd 10:00 a.m. and Tuesday June 10th , as he goes in for his pre-gastric and gastric surgery! His life is yours Master. Do with it what you will. May the surgeon's hands be your hands. And they step in surgery go smoothly and easily. With your blessing, May Stefan's surgery be completely successful and all cancerous growth be removed from his body completely, so be it! Thank you God. Thank you, MAFU

 Prayer requested by:  CarolineSubmitted:  5.30.24 | 11:22 AM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116843
I pray for my friend Jean-Sylvain Bourdelais who's had life saving gastric surgery. Liquids, semi-solid and solid foods easily pass to nourrish and hydrate his body. His lungs fully recover and his breathing is normal and peacefull. He gains energy with each passing day. Blessed be his team of doctors and nurses that are inspired and take the best decision to help his all clear, absolute healing. May his wife, my dearest friend Pascale L. be held in the arms of love during this time.

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